CLI Reference for ETLs

This section documents ETL management operations with ais etl. But first, note:

As with global rebalance, dSort, and download, all ETL management commands can be also executed via ais job and ais show - the commands that, by definition, support all AIS xactions, including AIS-ETL

For background on AIS-ETL, getting-started steps, working examples, and tutorials, please refer to:

Table of Contents

Init ETL with spec

ais etl init spec --from-file=SPEC_FILE --name=ETL_NAME [--comm-type=COMMUNICATION_TYPE] [--wait-timeout=TIMEOUT] [--arg-type=ARGUMENT_TYPE] or ais start etl init

Init ETL with Pod YAML specification file. The --name parameter is used to assign a user defined unique name to the ETL (ref: here for information on valid ETL name).


Initialize ETL that computes MD5 of the object.

$ cat spec.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: transformer-md5
    - name: server
      image: aistore/transformer_md5:latest
        - name: default
          containerPort: 80
      command: ['/code/', '--listen', '', '--port', '80']
$ ais etl init spec --from-file=spec.yaml --name=transformer-md5 --comm-type=hpull:// --wait-timeout=1m

Init ETL with code

ais etl init code --name=ETL_NAME --from-file=CODE_FILE --runtime=RUNTIME [--chunk-size=NUM_OF_BYTES] [--transform=TRANSFORM_FUNC] [--before=BEFORE_FUNC] [--after=AFTER_FUNC] [--deps-file=DEPS_FILE] [--comm-type=COMMUNICATION_TYPE] [--wait-timeout=TIMEOUT] [--arg-type=ARGUMENT_TYPE]

Initializes ETL from provided CODE_FILE that contains a transformation function named transform(input_bytes) or transform(input_bytes, context), an optional function executed prior to the transform function named before(context) which is supposed to initialize all the variables needed for the transform(input_bytes, context) and optional post transform function named after(context) which consolidates the results and returns to the user the transformed output_bytes.

The --name parameter is used to assign a user defined unique name to the ETL (ref: here for information on valid ETL name).

Based on the communication type used, there are mutiple ways you can initialize the transform(input_bytes, context), before(context) and after(context) functions. Check ETL Init Code Docs for more info.

All available runtimes are listed here.


  • Default value of --transform is “transform”.


Initialize ETL with code that computes MD5 of the object.

$ cat
import hashlib

def transform(input_bytes):
    md5 = hashlib.md5()
    return md5.hexdigest().encode()

$ ais etl init code --runtime=python3.11v2 --name=transformer-md5 --comm-type hpull


With before(context) and after(context) function with streaming (CHUNK_SIZE > 0):

$ cat
import hashlib
def before(context):
    context["before"] = hashlib.md5()
    return context

def transform(input_bytes, context):

def after(context):
    return context["before"].hexdigest().encode()

$ ais etl init code --name=etl-md5 --runtime=python3.11v2 --chunk-size=32768 --before=before --after=after --comm-type hpull

List ETLs

ais etl show or, same, ais job show etl

Lists all available ETLs.

View ETL Logs

ais etl view-logs ETL_NAME [TARGET_ID]

Output logs produced by given ETL. It is possible to pass an additional parameter to specify a particular TARGET_ID from which the logs must be retrieved.

Stop ETL

ais etl stop ETL_NAME or, same, ais stop etl

Stop ETL with the specified id.

Start ETL

ais etl start ETL_NAME or, same, ais start etl

Start ETL with the specified id.

Transform object on-the-fly with given ETL


Get object with ETL defined by ETL_NAME.


Transform object to STDOUT

Does ETL on shards/shard-0.tar object with transformer-md5 ETL (computes MD5 of the object) and print the output to the STDOUT.

$ ais etl object transformer-md5 ais://shards/shard-0.tar -

Transform object to output file

Do ETL on the shards/shard-0.tar object with transformer-md5 ETL (computes MD5 of the object) and save the output to the output.txt file.

$ ais etl object transformer-md5 ais://shards/shard-0.tar output.txt
$ cat output.txt

Transform a bucket offline with the given ETL


Transform all or selected objects and put them into another bucket.

Flag Type Description
--list string Comma-separated list of object names, e.g., ‘obj1,obj2’
--template string Template for matching object names, e.g, ‘obj-{000..100}.tar’
--ext string Mapping from old to new extensions of transformed objects, e.g. {jpg:txt}, “{ in1 : out1, in2 : out2 }”
--prefix string Prefix added to every new object name
--wait bool Wait until operation is finished
--requests-timeout duration Timeout for a single object transformation
--dry-run bool Don’t actually transform the bucket, only display what would happen

Flags --list and --template are mutually exclusive. If neither of them is set, the command transforms the whole bucket.


Transform bucket with ETL

Transform every object from src_bucket with ETL and put new objects to dst_bucket.

$ ais etl bucket transformer-md5 ais://src_bucket ais://dst_bucket
$ ais wait xaction MMi9l8Z11

Transform bucket with ETL

The same as above, but wait for the ETL bucket to finish.

$ ais etl bucket transformer-md5 ais://src_bucket ais://dst_bucket --wait

Transform selected objects in bucket with ETL

Transform objects shard-10.tar, shard-11.tar, and shard-12.tar from src_bucket with ETL and put new objects to dst_bucket.

$ ais etl bucket transformer-md5 ais://src_bucket ais://dst_bucket --template "shard-{10..12}.tar"

Transform bucket with ETL and additional parameters

The same as above, but objects will have etl- prefix and objects with extension .in1 will have .out1 extension, objects with extension .in2 will have .out2 extension.

$ ais ls ais://src_bucket --props=name
$ ais etl bucket transformer-md5 ais://src_bucket ais://dst_bucket --ext="{in1:out1, in2:out2}" --prefix="etl-" --wait
$ ais ls ais://dst_bucket --props=name

Transform bucket with ETL but with dry-run

Dry-run won’t perform any actions but rather just show what would be transformed if we actually transformed a bucket. This is useful for preparing the actual run.

$ ais ls ais://src_bucket --props=name,size
NAME        SIZE
obj1.in1    10MiB
obj2.in2    10MiB
$ ais etl bucket transformer-md5 ais://src_bucket ais://dst_bucket --dry-run --wait
[DRY RUN] No modifications on the cluster
2 objects (20MiB) would have been put into bucket ais://dst_bucket